Description : ‘Prickle Pods’ illustrates a more literal representation of growth than previous pieces. In this simple design, two forms coincide in their outreach for energy.
Although perhaps too literal at first glance, a very contemporary outcome look is achieved through producing very strong ‘pod’ like forms, with the two carefully arranged in scale and position in their pull towards their energy source. Removable lids on the pod tops have small protruding focal details to express their protective defences - not too fierce – instead dainty and sly!
Very early on it seemed logical to the concept of sibling pods that they both should sit closely on the same side to one another, with the larger pod almost protecting the smaller, younger pod. The latter pod in her elder’s shadow and protective circle, trying to stretch out beyond this point. Both pods are positioned pointing very closely to the same direction, with the tips also mimicking these angles. This gives the piece an overall feeling of boldness and strength and of being contemporary, rather than luring perhaps towards a more ‘flowery’ end result.
The subtlety of the long, tapered branch- like tube is an important aspect to consider. Its length is thin with sophisticated gentle curvature; with in mind that this section’s sole existence is to give support and strength to its buds. Having the pods towards one side allows the stem section to act as a strong protective area, the stem curving outwards as a strong back bone to the piece. It was important to keep this section simple, subtle and also quite dynamic, having a gentle curve throughout as the tube gently tapers thinly to the tip. At this point the tail end lifts upwards to a good height in relation to the main pod.
For a relatively gentle looking concept, I like the idea that two sister pods can inspire rivalry while also combining incredible bold strength, aspects which continually drew me back to this simple idea.
October 2009
Dimensions : H100 X W500 X D150mm