Produced in the earlier part of this year, it's now enjoying its second exhibition.
'Gathering Vessel', hand raised Britannia Silver 2009
"It's an exciting time to be making in this new workspace - this whole new environment! It's really important to me to feel comfortable in where I work. I'm not talking about whether or not all of the correct tools and equipment are at hand - it's more about feeling that really great stuff's possible in here.
It's about feeling involved with what's around me - looking out onto the great outdoors which is only a step out of my door. It's about allowing that invigourating and fresh feeling to input into what I make. It's a great place to be... I hope that I can show a fresher approach and a calmer and more 'at ease' Sarah through the works I produce over the coming months! "
To discover more about 'Gathering Vessel' please view the Portfolio page
You can also view 'Group of three' Portfolio page
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